
Creativity & Risk Tolerance

Does Your Team Have The Innovation Capacity To Compete?

Your search for an innovation test stops here!

The Creatrix® Inventory is an innovation test and a creativity test. It can measure individual and team capacity to adapt, innovate, and calculate risk. From Sustainers (people who like things the way they are) to Innovators (who think of new things all the time), Creatrix can identify who in your company is best at leading organizational change. The Creatrix offers insights into how open we are to new experiences, creativity, and our willingness to take risks in the face of change.

innovation and bottom lineIn the past, the wise old adage “necessity is the mother of invention” held true.  But today businesses can hardly afford to wait until the need proves great enough to change.  In fact, a report published by IBM titled Enterprise of the Future cites:   “eight out of ten CEOs are expecting substantial or very substantial change.”

Unfortunately, CEOs in the study rated their ability to manage change 22 percent lower than their expected need for it – a change gap that has nearly tripled since 2006.  This rising challenge for change is proving to be difficult for many organizations to meet. This leading edge innovation test can help you with leading organizational change!

Innovation keeps companies alive through continuous renewal and growth.  Without innovative ideas, a company stagnates and may even cease as a going concern.  In other words, you will be left behind if you don’t innovate. Innovation is a must, not an option.   Being innovative requires both the knack for creativity and a willingness to take risk. The Creatrix™ innovation test is an extraordinary innovation assessment tool that can provide senior executives and management with the answer to the ultimate question of our times: what is our potential and ability to change with the times? In other words, What is our organizational capacity to innovate?

The Creatrix Report measures different approaches to innovationWhat Creatrix does is identify 8 innovation orientations, ranging from the Sustainer who prefers the status quo to the Innovator who generates an idea a minute but gives little thought to implementation.

The report then pinpoints which of the 7 drivers of innovation will provide the biggest bang for the buck in building more innovative capacity.

Nearly 100,000 people have taken Creatrix. It has been extensively used for leadership development, executive coaching, leading organizational change, team development, and large-scale innovation efforts across organizations. Our database includes people from very small organizations to Fortune 500 companies. It includes manufacturing, financial services, government, high -tech, education, health care, engineering, architecture and many other sectors. It includes people across multiple cultures and countries.

Call us today at 800-803-4303 or complete the form below to discuss how Creatrix™ innovation assessment can help ensure your innovative capacity and competitive edge.

The Creatrix Innovation test offer a deeper understanding into the range of creativity and risk-taking perspectives.

Challenger Group Dreamer Group
  • Have the attitude of “do it” — if we do nothing, we will lose out
  • Get excited about new ideas
  • May take on too many ideas and can find it difficult to complete all of them
  • Are creative — constantly coming up
  • Are creative — constantly coming up with new ways to do things
  • Strong on ideas, not strong on how to get them accomplished
  • Like ideas for the “ideas’ sake”
Improver Group Practicalizer Group
  • Add value by making incremental modifications
  • Like to “test the waters” as a first step
  • Don’t take risks unless the benefits outweigh the current state of affairs
  • Like changes — but not all too many at once
  • Are willing to try something new, but look for the practical
  • Willing to take on the status quo to drive an idea forward
  • Like changes — but not all too many at once
  • Are willing to try something new, but look for the practical
  • Willing to take on the status quo to drive an idea forward
Sustainer Group Synthesizer Group
  • Usually prefer stability to change
  • Take chances only when necessary
  • Appreciate what has worked in the
  • past
  • Often feel change is done for its own
  • sake
  • Focuses and stays true to its
  • mission


  • See possibilities in everything
  • Create by putting things together —often unusual combinations that work in new ways
  • Will drive an idea home but not at all costs — more cautious than an Innovator Group
  • Can lose out on the “big payoff”
Innovator Group Planner Group
  • Have a new idea every minute
  • Always think they can figure out how they can make things happen
  • Can be in chaos because of lack of  structure and order
  • Can hit the “grand slam”
  • Believe that an idea has merit if it fits
  • Believe that an idea has merit if it fits within “the plan”
  • Want information and data before making a decision or taking a risk
  • Will come up with creative ideas within known parameters


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