The Workforce Ahead | Post-Pandemic Employability
4-Part Webinar Series
Moderator and Host: Ira S Wolfe
Guest: Edward E Gordon
Future of Workforce Thought Leaders Webinar Series
Post-Pandemic Employability
“The ‘normal’ path to employment is on life support,” says Future of Work Global Thought Leader Ira S Wolfe. The COVID-19 pandemic might have just nailed the broken education-to-employment coffin closed, Wolfe warns. “Everyone is focused on jobs. Jobs are just a shiny object in the scheme of things. The whole concept of what it means to be employed and the skills and abilities you need to be employed is being rewritten on the fly.”
To help employers, workers, and students understand the future of work and jobs, Wolfe’s consulting company Success Performance Solutions recently recorded a 4-part webinar series. Wolfe was joined by Edward E Gordon, internationally recognized futurist, economist, researcher, author, and historian. The series is free to attend.
Wolfe has been warning about a “Perfect Labor Storm” since 1999. Edward E Gordon has been warning about a global talent meltdown for even longer. Their paths crossed in the early 2000s and they have both written and spoken extensively about the future of work, jobs, the skills gap, and the broken education-to-employment system.
Here are descriptions of each webinar with links to the videos right below.
Watch The Webinars
Expect the Unexpected
Recorded May 28, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is severely disrupting the U.S. labor market radically shifting the demand for workers in different industry sectors. This is exacerbating the job-skills mismatch that has been building over the last 50 years as advanced technologies have heightened educational requirements.
The Failure of Current Talent Strategies
June 25, 2020, 2 PM EDT
Why are past “solutions” for talent shortages no longer producing the skills needed in 21st-century workplaces? How are the Fourth Industrial Revolution and imploding global demographics combining to significantly escalate skill demands for incoming workers? This is a global talent meltdown that will extend beyond 2030.
The Talent Desert
July 23, 2020 2 PM EDT
How has the U.S. workforce gone from being the world’s best educated in 1970 to one in which survey after survey of business leaders report finding qualified workers as one of their top problems? What can we expect if we do not alter the significant deficits in employee skills over the next decade
Rebuilding Workforce Knowledge
August 27, 2020, 2 PM EDT
The supply of workers and demand for more talent have drastically changed. This means that regional education-to-employment delivery systems need to be fundamentally restructured. No one business can do this alone. We will discuss how successful regional public-private partnership hubs can be developed to meet business and community labor-force needs.
Featured Speakers
Edward E. Gordon Ph.D. is a noted labor economist who applies a multi-disciplinary approach to today’s complex workforce needs and economic development issues. His principal focus is building regional talent-delivery systems through RETAIN partnerships of businesses, educators, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. His award-winning book, Future Jobs, contains best-practice solutions for solving the skills-jobs gap. (See publications) Due to his extensive platform experience before diverse audiences, Gordon delivers a powerful wake-up call on the current employment and skills crisis, provides policy solutions, and motivates participants to take action.
Edward E Gordon
Imperial Consulting Corporation
Ira S Wolfe is a “Millennial trapped in a Baby Boomer body” and the world’s first Chief Googlization Officer. He is president of Poised for the Future Company, founder of Success Performance Solutions, a TEDx Speaker, Top 10 Global Thought Leader on Future of Work and HR (Thinkers360), host of Geeks Geezers Googlization podcast. His most recent book is Recruiting in the Age of Googlization, now in its 2nd edition, is recognized as one of the best HR and Recruiting books of all-time by Book Authority. He is founder of the Googlization Nation community and frequent contributor to HR and business blogs including CornerstoneonDemand’s ReWork. He is also the author of 5 other books including Perfect Labor Storm and Understanding Business Values and Motivators.
Ira S Wolfe
Success Performance Solutions