Career Aptitude Tests

Using career aptitude tests is the best way to help predict which candidates are the best fit for your company.

Pre-employment career aptitude tests can be tailored specifically for the job you are trying to fill, targeting exactly the traits that best match the job or the traits found in other successful holders of the job. These may be traits that won’t be visible on a resume or during an interview, so testing can help you select the best candidate out of the applicant pool.


















In addition to personality traits, a good online career aptitude test will look at a job candidate’s cognitive skills, including general mental ability ability such as logical thinking, conceptual thinking, abstract thinking, comprehension, and spatial relations. The results can be analyzed to show you the applicant’s strengths, so you can determine how he could best be placed in your company. The test results can also help you determine who would be a poor fit (you might not want someone with low math skills handling money or low stress management skills working customer service).


Administering career aptitude tests can help you narrow the applicant pool, allowing you to focus your interview time and resources on the top contenders. At a time when technology has made it easy for job seekers to apply for jobs, even though many aren’t qualified, an effective hiring process and employee screening system using online career aptitude tests is a necessity to filter our high-risk candidates quickly. Each pre-hire career aptitude test comes with recommended behavioral interview questions, which are generated based on the candidate’s responses.


An often overlooked opportunity resulting from using employee assessments is development. The test results show individual skills and preferences. With training and the right employee development systems, many employees can learn new skills that offset weaknesses or improve proficiency in administrative and technical areas. Both management and professional development recommendations are included in many of our career assessments.

Career Aptitude Tests For Every Job

in Every Industry

for Any Size Business