Your business can offer the most amazing products and launch the greatest marketing campaigns, but without good customer service skills, you’ll have a tough time bringing customers back, let alone building loyalty.

Like other office skills, customer service skills can be measured with online pre employment testing to measure proficiency and knowledge. But skills may not be enough. Customer service personality tests measure the candidate’s behavior and personality fit in most customer service jobs.

To identify good customer service skills and job fit, these are the things you need to measure.

Interpersonal Skills
motivated employeeSome jobs can be performed with little to no human interaction.  Customer service isn’t one of them, so interpersonal skills are essential if one’s customer service potential is going to be assessed.

Customer service workers must maintain a postive attitude and be friendly and sociable. They have to be eager to approach customers, answer questions, and respond to various issues.  Skill tests will show you which candidates have these traits, as well as which of these traits could use some improvement.

Conflict Management
Every customer service representative (CSR) inevitably has to deal with a difficult customer who seems impossible to please.  It can send even the most patient person over the edge, but strong conflict management skills make these customers easier to work with. By giving customer service skill tests that raise hypothetical stressful situations and ask how applicants might react to them, you can find out who can manage those situations and bring them to a peaceful resolution.

But knowing what to do and say is only half the battle when it comes to delivering excellent customer service. CSRs have to keep their cool with even the most hostile customers. Sometimes that’s easier said than done. Five factor pre-employment tests help assess an applicant’s resiliency and how applicants cope with stress.

Problem Solving

While most customer service issues can be resolved in minutes, some situations can be real head-scratchers.  When there’s no quick and easy solution, a good customer service rep knows where to find one.

Problem solving is one of the most valuable customer service qualities. Good problem solving includes both critical thinking skills and the ability to think on your feet.  Skill tests let applicants demonstrate their ability to find creative solutions, or to find the resources or people who can quickly. This is the kind of thinking that can differentiate your customer service reputation from the competition.

Customer service representatives are interacting with customers all the time. They need the necessary skills to manage those relationships.  When you test for good customer service skills, you find the people who are best qualified to leave your customers raving about their experience.