Supervisor Skills Test

Behavioral | Competency | Cognitive Reasoning


Moving employees into a supervisor role seems to be a reward for tenure and loyalty in many organizations.  It’s a ritual practiced thousands of times every day in businesses around the world. But as the research and real-life experience shows, the capacity to manage one’s own performance is almost night and day compared to managing a team. Supervising others brings out a whole new set of challenges in the workplace.

Prepared or not, many employees accept the role in exchange for better compensation and benefits. Unfortunately one government study revealed that  just six out of every 1,000 new supervisors failed to advance out of probation!  Another found that 60 percent of new managers under-perform or fail in their first two years. It’s clear that not everyone is cut out to be a supervisor or manager. 

A supervisor skills test can be used pre-hire for screening and post-hire for development. You can quickly identify employees and candidates who are ready to supervise others or need more training, coaching, or development.


The best supervisor skills test for your company can be based on core supervisory competencies, manager competencies, leadership style, and/or cognitive ability.


Whether you use a competency assessment test for supervisors or a personality test or a DISC behavioral profile…the results of the management assessment test should be put in the context of how the future supervisor will perform these required skills. In addition the results should compare the candidate to top performing supervisors as well as those who under-perform.

In addition to pre employment testing, some supervisor skill tests can be used  for pre- and post-training events and for personal development.  In addition to the standard supervisor skills testing, self-assessment and multi-rater feedback (360 degree) evaluations are available.

Supervisor Competency Skills

The ASSESS Supervisor Competency Report compares your candidate or employee to the performance of other supervisors in 9 universal supervisor competencies shared across industries and country borders. Each report also shares either interview questions for hiring managers or development recommendations for the individual.

  • Decisive Judgment
  • Adapting to Change
  • Planning and Organizing
  • Driving for Results
  • Managing Others
  • Coaching and Developing Others
  • Motivating Others
  • Technical Skills
  • Integrity

Leadership DISC Profile

DISC is one of the world’s most popular assessments to identify and develop leadership style.  Each Proception2 profile also includes a “style map,” comparing the individual’s style to other team members and identifying sources of behavioral agreement and conflict.

The Proception2 DISC Profile predicts

  • How a candidate or employee approaches PROBLEM solving
  • How a candidate or employee prefers to influence PEOPLE
  • How a candidate or employee handles PACE of change
  • How a candidate or employee complies with rules and PROCEDURES

Elite Supervisor Profile

Elite Supervisor Profile is a general indicator of a candidate's or employee's ability to mentor and supervise others.  Adding the reasoning scale helps identify those who have the ability to learn quickly and solve problems.

The four areas assessed by the Elite Supervisor Profile include:

  • Supervision
  • Helping Disposition
  • Self-Confidence
  • Reliability
  • Team Player
  • Candidness (Test Distortion)
  • (Reasoning)

Situational Judgment Test - Supervisor

Situational Judgment Test (SJT) - Supervisor consists of attitudinal, behavioral and situational questions aimed at assessing the candidate's ability to problem solve and use appropriate judgment while performing the supervisory function. The test is designed to help your business succeed by identifying those individuals with strong supervisory skills, as well as identifying potential areas for development among your management staff. 

The four areas assessed by this SJT include:

  • Communication
  • Conscientiousness
  • Motivation
  • Team Orientation

The Elite Intellect Profile helps employers accurately test a candidate’s level of general cognitive ability: logical reasoning, verbal reasoning, and overall intellect. More specifically, this pre-employment aptitude test measures the individual’s potential to be trained, to effectively and efficiently solve problems, to communicate clearly and to comprehend complex relationships. This test is ideal for identifying individuals who will encounter situations requiring the learning of complex tasks, the ability to process and understand information quickly and the ability to consolidate information from various sources to come up with appropriate solutions to problems.

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