Leadership and Management Tests
Elite Leadership and Management Tests are used by senior management to screen new supervisors and identify potential manager successors. Elite management assessments are the perfect tools to use before promoting hourly employees to team leader and supervisory positions, too. The low-cost and ease of administration makes our leadership and management tests an affordable and efficient way to screen an entire organization, assess managerial bench strength, and identify potential managerial skill gaps.
The Elite Assessment System offers 5 Management Reports:
Elite Management Profile, Elite Supervisor Profile, Situational Judgment Tests Manager, Situational Judgment Tests Supervisor, and Elite Intellect Profile.
Situational Judgment Test – Manager
Situational Judgment Test (SJT) – Manager consists of attitudinal, behavioral and situational questions aimed at assessing the candidate’s ability to solve problems and use appropriate judgment while performing the manager function. The test provides an opportunity to objectively assess the management skills of job candidates. It was developed to identify those applicants best able to handle the daily challenges encountered by most managers and supervisors.
The four areas assessed by this SJT include:
- Communication
- Decision-Making
- Delegation
- Employee Relations
The Situational Judgment Test – Manager predicts:
- Ability to relate well with employees
- Time management skills
- Ability to motivate staff
- Problem solving skills
- Decision making skills
- Ability to delegate
- Overall job performance
Situational Judgment Test Details
- 30 questions
- Untimed (average completion time 25-30 minutes)
- Follow-up interview questions
- Reliability check
- Online administration
- Immediate results delivered to hiring managers
- Management suggestions
Situational Judgment Test – Supervisor
Situational Judgment Test (SJT) – Supervisor consists of attitudinal, behavioral and situational questions aimed at assessing the candidate’s ability to problem solve and use appropriate judgment while performing the supervisory function. The test is designed to help your business succeed by identifying those individuals with strong supervisory skills, as well as identifying potential areas for development among your management staff.
The four areas assessed by this SJT include:
- Communication
- Conscientiousness
- Motivation
- Team Orientation
The Situational Judgment Test – Supervisor predicts:
- Ability to relate well with employees
- Ability to communicate
- Ability to foster employee satisfaction
- Dependability
- Team building skills
- Overall job performance
Situational Judgment Test Details
- 30 questions
- Untimed (average completion time 25-30 minutes)
- Follow-up interview questions
- Reliability check
- Online administration
- Immediate results delivered to hiring managers
- Management suggestions
Elite Manager Profile
The Elite Manager Profile is a general indicator of the individual’s ability to lead and manage others. By adding the Elite Intellect Profile, a company can identify those candidates and employees who can solve problems, learn and think quickly. The Elite Manager Profile includes the following tests:
- Leadership
- Supervision
- Stress Management
- Achievement Drive
- Self-Confidence
- Assertiveness
- Candidness (Test Reliability)
Number of items (questions) : 95
Time Limit: 21 Minutes
Elite Supervisor Profile
Elite Supervisor Profile is a general indicator of a candidate’s or employee’s ability to mentor and supervise others. Adding the reasoning scale helps identify those who have the ability to learn quickly and solve problems.
The four areas assessed by the Elite Supervisor Profile include:
- Supervision
- Helping Disposition
- Self-Confidence
- Reliability
- Team Player
- Candidness (Test Distortion)
- (Reasoning)
Number of items (questions) : 80 (100 with Reasoning)
Time Limit: 18 Minutes (30 min with Reasoning)
Elite Intellect Profile
Elite Intellect Profile helps to identify those candidates who possess the mental ability to effectively problem solve and to quickly grasp new concepts and strategies.
This test is ideal for identifying individuals who will encounter situations requiring the learning of complex tasks, the ability to process and understand information quickly and the ability to consolidate information from various sources to come up with appropriate solutions to problems.
The 3 areas assessed by the Elite Intellect Profile are:
- Logical Reasoning
- Verbal Reasoning
- Overall Intellect
Number of items (questions) : 40
Time Limit: 12 minutes
Other Details:
- Online administration
- Reports delivered to hiring managers immediately
- Management suggestions