CritieriaOne: "The Whole Person Approach" Employment Assessment Certification

Learn to Hire smarter, Hire faster, Hire right for higher performance

People are different. What traits, values, skills, and abilities differentiate the top performer from under- performers? What separates the best from the rest? Learn how to use pre-employment and leadership assessments to grow your business and help clients build a best practice hiring system from the small business hiring experts Success Performance Solutions.

Learn how to:

  • Build a screening and selection system to align employees with the right skills, teams, values, and corporate goals.
  • Identify top performer competencies for each position.
  • Create a reliable and predictive top performer profile.
  • Identify the right assessments for the right situation.
  • Gain experience and expertise in behavioral, personality, values, general mental ability, and skill testing.
  • Build behavioral interview process, including structured interview guides with recommended questions.
  • Put the results of employment assessments in the context of core competencies and job fit.
  • Differentiate the top performers from candidates who have potential and those who are high-risk.

What Others Say!

Working with Success Performance Solutions and Dr. Ira Wolfe these past 3 years as strategic partner has truly changed my business. It has increased my knowledge of the [employee assessment] tools I use tremendously, has increased my business 200% (have had the best 3 years in the life of my 11 year old business) and has opened my mind to other options for my clients.

Michelle S. Bisno, Ed.D
Achievement in Motion, LLC


I’ve personally experienced the benefits of working with CriteriaOne and Ira Wolfe in particular.  Ira consistently offers invaluable support and always amazes me with his depth of understanding.  He is especially astute on understanding how to build the best teams through hiring the right people.  I personally have learned and benefited from Ira’s sharing of his experiences, resources and mentoring.  With his help, my business has been able to reach the next level due to an improved strategy, reliable hiring process and more comprehensive tools.  I am able to provide greater value for my clients and produce superior results.  I would highly recommend CriteriaOne to anyone interested in building a team of top performers.

Kerry Goyette
President APERIO